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Blended Oil

Menstrual Blend :
An ideal blend for easing stomach and lower back cramps. Soothing and warming to the body. These essential oils have anti-cramp. Analgesic qualities, relieving pain and discomfort.

Carrier oil, Essential oils of Lavender, Peppermint, Nutmeg and Cypress.


This oil can be vaporized in a burner, used as a massage on the lower abdomen and lower back, or in a warm bath. Alternatively, apply to pulse points (wrists and temples)

PMT : A feminie blend of Clary Sage, Ylang Ylang and Lavender that encourages mind and body balance easing pre-menstrual symptoms. Its calming qualities help alleviate mood swings.

Ingredients: Carrier oil, Essential oils of Clary Sage, Ylang Ylang and Lavender.
Directions: This oil can be vapourised in a banner, used in a massage or warm bath, alternatively apply to pulse points (Wrists and temples)

Focus : Stimulating and strengthening the mind. This blend encourages focus and clarity. It purifies the atmosphere allowing you to deal with challenging situations.

Ingredients: Carrier oil, Essential oils of Fennel, Cypress, Juniper and Lemon.
Directions: This oil can be vaporized in a banner, used in a massage or warm bath, alternatively apply to pulse points (Wrists and temples)
Anxiety : A blend of Frankincense, Bergamot and Lavender has a comforting and refreshing action making it ideal for anxiety, depression or tension. This blend will encourage confidence concentration and balances.

Ingredients: Carrier oil, Essential oils of Frankincense, Bergamot and Lavender
Directions: This oil can be vaporized in a banner, used in a massage or warm bath, alternatively apply to pulse points (Wrists and temples)

Stress : A nurturing blend that encourages emotional balance, relieves anxiety and lifts the spirits. An ideal blend for treating stress and regulating, balancing and claming emotions.

Ingredients: Carrier Oil, Essential oils of Clary Sage, Roman Chamomile, Lavender and Geranium.
Directions: This oil can be vaporized in a banner, used in a massage or warm bath, alternatively apply to pulse points (Wrists and temples)

Sleep : A calming blend of Geranium, Chamomile, Lemon and Sandalwood will reduce confusion and tension. Its balancing effect on the nervous system will promote a good night sleep.

Ingredients: Carrier oil, Essential oils of Roman Chamomile, Lemon and Sandalwood.
Directions: This oil can be vaporized in a banner, used in a massage or warm bath, alternatively apply to pulse points (Wrists and temples)

Pulse Points

1) 03649 Antiseptic / Healing

2) 03646 Headache / Nausea

3) 03644 Jetlag

4) 03647 Relaxing / Sleep

5) 03648 Uplifting / Stimulating

Mood Oil

03690 - Romance
03692 - Relaxing
03691 - Stress

Atmospheric Oils 15 ml

03152 - Wellbeing
03142 - Relaxing
03157 - Passion
03147 - Revitalizing
